We focus on things aloft!
Whether it is drone powered HAPS, constellations in LEO and MEO or DTH and HTS in GEO, some things are just better solved by taking flight, rather than using fibers and software on the ground. Many new technologies are introduced on almost a daily basis and new companies enter the market just as often.
At Route206 we help both new and well established companies to develop commercial traction for these new technologies by focusing on either communication technology, earth observation, space mining or IoT.

Communication technology: the days that people think all communication problems can be solved by digging more trenches and continuously expanding the fiber or wireless grid are over. New communication networks are put in space and they come with great opportunities but also at great risks. As these risks are typically more on the financial and commercial side then technology, we see it as a great privilege to help companies succeed and take their rightful place in the range of options available to the end-users.

Earth Observation: there is an increasing demand for information on climate, emissions and weather. There are also more organizations asking for it. Not just governments and NGOs, also insurance companies and banks are adding themselves to the expanding list of interested parties. In the wake of this increasing interest, new companies are formed and their needs are universal: funding and commercial exposure while continuing to develop their technology and services.

Space mining / cleanup: developments in this area are more fragmented and still largely institutionalized, but commercial companies are slowly entering the market. Real solutions, that are both creative and effective are in the process of being launch and we’re ready to help put together a compelling service offering.

Internet of Things: IoT is an unstoppable. Space has provided some real opportunities for companies that develop solutions for the commercial markets. Miniaturization and economies of scale are important technical developments that help this industry to continue to move forward. While the business models allow for more scalability than other segments, commercial models remain just as demanding. It continues to be about successfully positioning services to relevant markets while sourcing the required funding to continue to develop the technology.